WineBlock Red Wine Stain Preventing Lip & Teeth Balm

- HaloSmile Instant Teeth Whitening Cosmetic - $79.99
- Chateau Spill Red Wine Remover - $14.94
- Wine Wipes for Teeth - $26.00
- Wine Glass Drinking Straw with Aerator - $18.99
- Dr. Brite Stain B-Gone Teeth Whitening Pen - $29.95
Wine-stained teeth - and clothes, and carpets - have plenty of products focused on them, and the removal of the red devil from those places that make it a buzzkill. WineBlock sets itself apart as a prevention of, rather than a cure for your wine-sloshing teeth and lips. Apply the mouth balm before your first sip of red, and WineBlock says it will block the wine from infiltrating your porous places and leaving behind stains on your teeth and lips that look as bloodshot tonight as your eyes will after drinking that whole bottle of 15.4% Cab in the morning.
In my case, since I don't drink that much wine, and definitely don't care if it makes me look like a creature from the underworld when I do, I'll be buying a jar of WineBlock as a gift for my wife.
WineBlock looks to have the consistency of your standard potted lip balms and gloss. It's a clear salve you apply in a thin layer to your lips before drinking to provide a barricade between you and the purple plague. WineBlock is made without parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and petrochemicals, and they say they developed the formula with the help of a flavor chemist to ensure it doesn't interfere with the flavor of your wine, or your ability to taste it. That said, the balm does have a "subtle orange blossom flavor" to it.
Each pot o' WineBlock contains about 30 applications. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.