Wish Clips - Candle Holders for Drinks

Happy birthday, ya big lush! Wish Clips, candle holders that slip onto the rims of drink glasses, offer a simpler, more subtle, and cakeless way for thirsty adults celebrating a birthday or other special event to make a wish and blow out the candles.
And even if there is a giant Batman or unicorn or peanut butter cup cake at the party, using a Wish Clipped candle on the special boy or girl's drink instead will guarantee s/he doesn't spew spit all over your piece in the process of blowing it out.
Wish Clips come in 6-colored packs of 25, and include the birthday candles. (But you'll probably end up using your own candles - the ones in the samples they sent me arrived in pretty rough shape.) The clips latch onto the rims of most drinkware, including pint, wine, shot, martini, margarita, and rocks glasses, plus pitchers, plastic cups, bottles, and dessert bowls.
Sure, Wish Clips are fun gifts for a party, but only until someone singes off their eyebrows blowing an open flame into a pool of liquor, right? Nah. Wish Clips assures us their drink glass candle holders are perfectly safe additions to celebrations. Alcohol less than 100 proof will not catch on fire, so as long as you're not loading up lit candles around a shot of Everclear, the risk is low. Obviously all candles in Wish Clips should be blown out and removed before the drink is drank.
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