Dual Arc Tesla Coil Lighter
It's Tesla, squared. And marbleized. Like the originals, Dual Arc Tesla Coil Lighters trade in butane for USB-rechargeable electricity, and ignite cigs, candles, and kindling with the flameless and windproof technology of arcing electrical resonant transformer circuits, or Tesla Coils. But as their name suggests, the dual arc lighters have a second set of fire makers in them and, according to their sellers, can create a much larger fire and light up 5 times faster than single arc lighters.
The listing here also fancies up the lighters' cases with your choice of yellow or black marbleized or green wood-style veneers. Sturdy, safe, hassle-free, long-lasting, and classsssssy. They're also packaged ripe for the gift-giving in a black presentation box with compartments for both the lighter and its USB charging cord.
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