Jason Voorhees USB Flash Drive
Your data is important. If all of those naughty videos someone fall into the wrong hands, your dreams and aspirations could quickly turn into nightmares. What better way to protect them than with the hockey mask wearing, machete wielding lunatic from Friday The 13th? This is a handmade 4GB drive that preys on naked coeds in lake house cabins.
Hey, it's Friday the 13th. This is relevant!
Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard
Fat-fingered iPad and iPhone users rejoice! Celluon's EPIC Laser Virtual Keyboard, a 63-key QWERTY holograph, projects at full size onto any flat surface, lessening the tediousness of mobile texting and emailing, and...
StormFly - PC for Your Wrist
A PC for your wrist. A Cloud bracelet. An unassuming, yet hi-tech piece of jewelry called StormFly. With a much bigger emphasis on the hi-tech than the jewelry part. The StormFly is a self-proclaimed Ludicrous Speed storage...
Cube-Works Self-Destruct USB 3.0 Hub
The Cube-Works Self-Destruct USB 3.0 Hub takes a different approach to the 2017 phenomenon of pressing buttons and flipping switches to make yourself feel better. Rather than slapping said buttons and switches on a fidget...
Cryptex USB Flash Drive
If Justin Nevins' Cryptex Security Boxes are out of your justifiable price range, Stanislav Tatarinov has another take on the Cryptex theme that might appeal to both your aesthetic and fiscal sensibilities: a Cryptex...
Military Grade USB Drive
A less expensive alternative to the Crypteks USB Drive, the Apricorn Aegis Secure Key Flash Drive boasts military grade full-disk AES 256-bit CBC hardware encryption, further protected by a 7- to 15-digit PIN-activated...
SurfEasy - Internet Privacy to Go
Remember the good old days when a computer screen was a shield of privacy, a veil of mystery, an incognito way to surf raunchy websites and cyberstalk first loves? Well, SurfEasy is your USB-shaped DeLorean to the times...
Electrical Storm Dual USB Power Adapter
This is what my mama always told me would happen inside my body if I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. It actually looks pretty cool. If she hadn't also told me it would fry my brains like a skillet of bacon and...
Crypteks USB Drive
Digital passwords, encryption software, purity rings, and LDS allegiance all claim to guard the goods, but they don't physically lock them. Said goods are still vulnerable to breaches, negligence, or too many shots of...
Round Cryptex USB Flash Drive
Slice the cylinder and make it a circle. Stanislav Tatarinov previously created this sweet Cryptex USB flash drive, a functional puzzle with rotating Cryptex rings and numbers whose user-set code slides out a 16GB memory...
Steampunk USB Flash Drive
This is 8 GB of steam powered awesomeness. Made with brass, copper, glass and watch parts, the interior glows blue while plugged in. The scoop on the tail flashes red while transferring data...
U-Socket USB Wallplug
No dongles required! The USB wall outlet does one thing... and that's makes sense. Why rely on your computer or a dongle to convert to a normal wall outlet to recharge your crappy cell phone battery every 4 hours? And...
Butterfly USB Drive
This butterfly won't cut a bitch, but at least it's legal in all 50 states! And while Benchmade's Bali-Song USB flash drive may downgrade its physical weapon attributes by removing the knife, it upgrades its intellectual...