MacGyver Toolkit
- McNett Tactical Field Fix Kit - $15.20
- Eye Clops Ultra Vision Goggles - $54.40
- Rear Mirror View Sunglasses - $10.65
- Disappearing Spy Paper - $3.99
- MacGyver - The Complete First Season - $12.99
What's not included in the MacGyver Toolkit? According to iFixit, nothing but the mullet. For those of you too young to remember Angus MacGyver, here is what this pocket-sized secret agent's Altoids tin will get you one step closer to becoming. Yes, that's right. Highly intelligent, mind-blowingly resourceful, and a total dreamboat. With or without a wind machine.
Now I'll grant that all it really takes to emulate MacGyver is a Swiss Army knife, a roll of duct tape, and a brilliant solution for using them to fix a piston con-rod for a water pump. But wouldn't you also kind of like to have a paperclip and a piece of bubblegum? You know, as backup? With the iFixit MacGyver Kit you'll not only have the twist of metal and hunk of Super Bubble (<--- does anyone else salivate, yet also get an achy jaw at the mere mention of this?) but also:
- A bobby pin. For both lock-picking and mullet-securing.
- A strike-anywhere match. And anywhere does include your chiseled jawline.
- A rubber band. Oh, snap.
- A birthday candle. AKA a slow-burning fuse.
- A shoelace. For binding hands. Or pairing with Campbell's soup cans to make a telephone.
- A 1-cent stamp. To remind us that MacGyver was on in 1885, when a penny still meant something. No wait...MacGyver was on in 1985. Must be to remind us that is 2014 the only $9.95 secret agent kit that will contain a stamp you can actually use to mail a letter is one that costs $10.44.
- Duct tape. Just to make it official.