Tactical Belt-Mounted Egg Holster

Who needs a Tactical Belt-Mounted Egg Holster? I'll tell you who. Tired of working his cottontail off for weeks decorating eggs in elaborate patterns all the colors of spring, only to have a good third of them break before hiding them for hunts and tucking them into baskets, the Easter Bunny is determined to hoppity-hop prepared this year. His eggs will be under maximum protection, each locked in their own 3D-printed vault from the moment their dye is dry to the moment they reach their final grassy / fake grassy destination.
You too can protect your Easter Eggs, or just your hard-boiled snacks, with a Tactical Belt-Mounted Egg Holster or two. The idea and design come from Chrisman the Great, who offers up his files for 3D printing the holsters free over at MakerBot's Thingiverse. They'd make a great gag gift too, especially tucked into any adults' Easter Baskets you're putting together this year.