Creative Block - Problem Solving & Brainstorming Ideas

And on top of everything else you've got writer's block. Designer's block. Maker's block. If you've hit a dead end, if you're at your wits' end, maybe it's time to get creative - plus down and dirty with wordplay! - and unblock your block with a block. A Creative Block.
Creative Block is a cube of inspiration for creative professionals, a set of 100+ cards with problem solving suggestions and brainstorming ideas to help make getting back your flow "less painful and more playful." With suggestions from artists, neuroscientists, mindfulness practitioners, and creativity experts, Creative Block cards introduce your brain to dynamic, novel ways of thinking in an effort to shake up your typical patterns and methods, and allow your mind to get "a little bendy" and ready to maneuver around the traps and barricades it was facing like Catherine Zeta-Jones facing the lasers in Entrapment. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.