ForCatCare Purring Electric Toothbrush for Cats

"This product makes your cat love teeth brushing time!" Oh, ForCatCare, ForCat'sSake! Thank you for this purring electric toothbrush for cats. I had a rough go of it after eating too much food and drinking too much drink last night, and reading those words has really brightened my day.
Because...ha! Haha! Hahahahaha! A purring electric toothbrush for cats? A toothbrush at all for cats? A product that will make "your cat love teeth brushing time!"? To quote the great Wallace Shawn as Vizzini in The Princess Bride, "INCONCEIVABLE!"

But as a joke, backed by a whole crowdfunding campaign with photos, GIFs, and videos for effectiveness: two thumbs, plus 10 claws ready to gouge, up!
My dudes, my ladies, for better or worse, the ForCatCare purring electric toothbrush for cats is a real product that really claims it will make your cat grow fond of dental care. Its silicone bristles vibrate at a gentle 25 Hz, mimicking the purring frequencies of kitties themselves.
Anyone willing to spend $64, and risk having their cat, who decides it still does not like having its teeth brushed, even with a purring electric toothbrush, bite their face off, can pledge for a ForCatCare purring electric toothbrush here on Kickstarter through January 20, 2023.