Hoonico Moomoo Bag Pet Carrier

Hoonico Moomoo Bag designer Sunghoon Park says the pet carrier will help make your cats and dogs feel more comfortable, less claustrophobic when you need (or just really, really want!) to tote them around town. But the way the Hoonico Moomoo Bag intends to accomplish this, a round cutout with a drawstring cincher for you pet's head to poke through, seems questionable to me.
I believe it also seems questionable to the cat in the photo, who's looking at his human all, What the furry four-legged friend have you done to me, you evil bitch? I cannot wait to claw the 8 layers of makeup and 3 layers of skin off your face the second I break free of this feline guillotine.
The Hoonico Moomoo Bag wears like a standard shoulder bag - which should make for a literal bangin' ride for Kitty and Pooch - and is entirely sealed with non-breathable canvas fabric, less the head opening. I imagine this is to ensure that even if your pet isn't interested in sticking its head out like a piece of live taxidermy for the world to adore, it really has no other choice.
Am I being too hard on the Hoonico Moomoo Bag? I know my cat, Zanzibar, would hate it like an icy bath with a bushel of cucumbers, but how do you think your cat or dog would feel?