Giveaway: Kid at Heart Mystery Box

- 3 Wheel Combination Secret Lock Puzzle Box - $17.00
- Zillionz Secret Code Vault - $59.99
- Mystery Autographed MLB Baseball - $25.00
- Secret Lock Box - Wood Brain Teaser Puzzle - $24.95
I know you're a grown ass man (or lady). But that doesn't mean you don't still like playing video games and using a Sit 'n' Spin 'til you puke when you happen to see one and shoving to the front of the ice cream line and giving your friend Cornelius atomic wedgies, right?
If you think shunning the joys of childhood is for the wet blankets and Trix are for everyone, click here and enter to win Dude's Kid at Heart Mystery Box. You won't find out what's inside until you receive it, but we can guarantee the $400+ of spoils it contains will make you feel like you're back in Miss Dunkelberg's 7th grade homeroom.
Except for 1 item, which is kind of dirty and shouldn't really be in the hands of anyone under 18.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
About the Kid at Heart Mystery Box
We can't tell you what's inside, but we can tell you this Mystery Box is full of Dudeworthy products you have previously seen featured on our pages. We can also tell you the total prize retail value is over $400. We'll leave mulling over the possibilities up to your kid-on-Christmas imagination and anticipation.
Once the Kid at Heart Mystery Box Giveaway has concluded and the winner's prize ships, we will reveal all of the box's contents here.
Now that Kid at Heart Mystery Box winner Justin N. has received his prize, we can tell you what was inside the 4-sided question mark.
- General Grievous Sixth Scale Figure. A $255 value.
- Super Mario Question Block Magic Billet Box. A $90 value.
- AirForce Blow Gun + Nerf Darts. A $40 value.
- Lewd & Obscene, the party game. A $25 value.
- Sarlacc Toilet decals. A $25 value.
- 21-ounce bag of Cereal Marshmallows. A $13 value.
- Energy Shisha Caffeine Vapor Pen. A $12 value.
- Shift Self-Bending Paper Clip. A $55 value.
- Set of TIHK Tiny Invisible Handcuff Keys. A $13 value.
Kid at Heart Mystery Box Giveaway Entry Instructions
To register, click here and fill out the Kid at Heart Mystery Box Giveaway entry form. Or, if you're already a member of, when the magic entry form button appears, just click it to enter.
Giveaway prize includes $400+ worth of products in the game, toy, novelty, and whimsy categories. All products have previously been featured on
The Kid at Heart Mystery Box Giveaway entry period is open through 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, August 3, 2014. Our drawn winner will be contacted by email within 48 hours of the entry period's conclusion, and will have 12 hours to respond and claim his/her prize. (Should we not hear back from a drawn winner in the specified time period, a new winner will be drawn and contacted.)
Winner should allow up to 3 weeks for prize delivery.
Once winners are drawn and confirmed, they will be announced below.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
Kid at Heart Mystery Box Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Justin N. of Winslow, ME, winner of the Kid at Heart Mystery Box. Thanks to all entrants, and be sure to check the Dude homepage or Dude Giveaways section for your chance to enter our latest prize drawing.
Dude Giveaway Vendor Participation
Are you an online retailer with a Dudeworthy product you'd like to grace upon our readers? Consider a Dude Giveaway partnership! Click here for details on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our contact information.