Giveaway: OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag

- Cyalume SnapLight Industrial Grade Light Sticks - $11.01
- Datrex 3600 Calorie Emergency Food Bar for Survival Kits - $14.55
- Safe-T-Proof Solar, Hand-Crank Emergency Radio, Flashlight, Beacon &Cell Phone Charger - $99.99
- MobileWasher - Hand Operating Washing Machine - $17.75
- Emergency Gas & Water Shutoff 4-n-1 Tool - $17.95
My plan for an emergency, catastrophic event, or Lord of the Flies throwdown? Total, balls-to-the-wall bug out. I recommend the same for you. First step: click here and enter to win the functional, fully-loaded Lexus of emergency preparedness, OuttaGEAR's2.0 Bug Out Bag (a $320 value)!
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
About the OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag
The 2.0 Bug Out Bag packs the best and most utilitarian of outdoor and survivalist gear into a 3,400 cubic inch Teton Scout backpack. With enough equipment and food to support 1 person for 3+ days, OuttaGEAR's emergency compadre will serve you even better than a roll of duct tape served MacGyver when the other shoe drops and the fit hits the shan. Store one in your home, car, or at work, and if the hand basket ever arrives you'll be fully prepared to send it, empty and beaten, right back to hell.
Alternatively, you can also do something novel with your 2.0 Bug Out Bug: use it. OuttaGEAR points out that while most other emergency kits represent a Worst Case Scenario investment, their BOB's contents and construction quality were selected and designed to perform just as effectively on normal camping, backpacking, and hunting excursions as they were to sit idly by, waiting for the world to go dark. Contents of the 21-pound stockpile include:
- 1 x Teton Scout 3,400 cu/in backpack with inner frame. Designed for comfort and durability, with a fully adjustable torso to fit men, women, and even kids. Fitted with numerous pockets, a rainfly, sturdy zippers, mesh lumbar support, and padded waist and should straps.
- 1 x bandana
- 1 x pair leather palm-split gloves
- 1 x vinyl poncho
- 1 x signal mirror
- 1 x whistle
- 1 x waterproof notebook with pencil
- 1 x playing cards
- 1 x gas lighter
- 1 x pack UCO waterproof & windproof matches
- 1 x Eton FRX2 solar & hand crank radio & flashlight
- 8-pack wet fire tinder
- UST "Sparkie" one-handed fire starter
- 1 x Adventure Medical Kit 1.0, containing items for cuts/scrapes, sprains, blisters, burns, and wound care, plus basic OTC medications.
- 2 x hand warmers
- 1 x N95 mask
- 1 x P51 can opener
- 1 x Light My Fire spork
- 12 x single-serving Wise Company freeze-dried meals
- 1 x hand sanitizer
- 1 x roll toilet paper
- 1 x toiletry kit
- 8 x sanitizing wipes
- 1 x UCO "Lumora" flashlight/lantern
- 1 x Petzl Tikka 2 headlamp
- 2 x Coghlan's light sticks
- 1 x button compass
- 1 x SOL rip-proof emergency blanket
- SAS survival manual
- 1 x Gorilla Tape
- 50' of paracord rope
- 1 x Gerber Bear Grylls folding knife with sheath
- 1 x Gerber butterfly suspension multi-tool with sheath
- 1 x Fiskars composite trowl
- 1 x 3L Hydrapak shape-shift water bladder
- 2 x Nalgene 1L water bottles
- 1 x Sawyer personal water filter
OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag Giveaway Entry Instructions
To register, click here and fill out the OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag Giveaway entry form. Or, if you're already a member of, when the magic entry form button appears, just click it to enter.
Giveaway prize includes 1 x OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag (a $320 value).
The OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag Giveaway entry period is open through 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday, December 7, 2014. Our drawn winner will be contacted by email within 48 hours of the entry period's conclusion, and will have 12 hours to respond and claim his/her prize. (Should we not hear back from a drawn winner in the specified time period, a new winner will be drawn and contacted.) Winners should allow up to 3 weeks for prize delivery.
Once winners are drawn and confirmed, they will be announced below.
This giveaway is open to US residents only.
Get an OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag Now
Are you on the eve of a bug out? Need a BOB guarantee? OuttaGEAR will outfit you for emergency survival at any time. Click here to buy your own 2.0 Bug Out Bag. Note that in addition to the standard contents outlined above, buyers can customize their BOBs with add-on survival/outdoors gear and equipment, such as a larger or smaller backpack, a tent and sleeping bag, communication devices, and additional tools for cooking (and catching) dinner.
OuttaGEAR also makes 1.0, 3.0, 4.0, and Family Bug Out Bags stacked with more goods and/or intended to last users for longer than the 2.0's specified 3 days. All BOB items are available a la carte as well. Click here to check out the company's full line of rugged and robust tools and equipment. (OuttaGEAR, by the way, is pretty cool operation, completely family owned and run, and based in Utah.)
OuttaGEAR 2.0 Bug Out Bag Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Tim O. of Eugene, OR, winner of the 2.0 Bug Out Bag. Thanks to all entrants, and be sure to check the Dude homepage or Dude Giveaways section for your chance to enter our latest prize drawing.
Dude Giveaway Vendor Participation
Are you an online retailer with a Dudeworthy product you'd like to grace upon our readers? Consider a Dude Giveaway partnership! Click here for details on prerequisites, giveaway procedures, and our contact information.