Wine Chiller Stick with Pour Spout

My wife was nagging that I didn't put any white wine in the fridge like she asked me to so I told her to take this wine chiller stick and shove it up her Pinot Gris.
OK, fine. Down her Pinot Gris.
Wine Cool is a 3-in-1 chiller stick that, once sufficiently chilled in the freezer itself, can cool off or keep cool a bottle of wine for up to an hour. Its other 2 talents show up at the top of the stick: a drip-free pouring spout with innards made from a dual intake aerator to mix oxygen into your wine as you pour.
The chiller end of the stick is made from odorless, flavorless food-grade stainless steel, and will need about 2 hours in the freezer to get cold enough to chill your wine. Also note that you'll need to pour at least 1 glass out of the bottle first to leave enough room for the stick to displace the remaining liquid without overflowing it. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.