
Cactus Toilet Plunger & Brush Set

$25.89 Amazon »

The unsung heroes of Christmas: toilet plungers and brushes. After all the Christmas morning casseroles and spiked coffees, Christmas Day cookies and eggnog, Christmas dinner hams and ambrosia salads, and Christmas dessert...

Toilet Sword Better-Than-a-Plunger Drain Snake

Sold Out Amazon »

Toilet Sword, you have my attention. For your sword-y design, of course. For your self-description as "revolutionary." And most of all, for your claim that you are better than a plunger, because, as my post-Loaded Chili...

Jolie Filtered Showerhead

$155.47 Amazon »

Simply replace your existing showerhead with the Jolie Filtered Showerhead, and begin your transformation into Angelina! In just 20 to 25 scrub-a-dubs under the nozzle's DNA-altering filter, the Jolie-ification of your...

Delta Faucet HydroRain 2-in-1 Shower Head

$122.04 - $344.96 Amazon »

Make it rain, Delta Faucet! ... I'll even provide the cash you need to do it, because the rain I'm talking about isn't coming from a cash cannon, but the 2-in-1 shower head of Delta Faucet's HydroRain...

Fuzzy Ball Instant-Dry Hand Towels

$13.29 Amazon »

These Fuzzy Ball Towels look more like what I'd use to suds up and wash my body than to dry it almost instantly. But I guess they have magical microfiber properties that suck up water with a quickness, and also their...

Bath Spaghetti Body Wash

$12.75 Etsy »

It's spaghetti so good you want to smear it all over your body and bathe in it. Just like your Italian grandma used to make. Even better, you can indulge in Bath Spaghetti calorie- and marinara-stain-free! Both your insides...

Mini Travel Digital Bathroom Scale

$19.99 Amazon »

Check out this Mini Travel Digital Bathroom Scale. It's the perfect way to ruin your trip to Italy, Mexico, Morocco, France, Japan, Spain...really anywhere in the world whose culture and food you've been waiting to experience...

Deeply Satisfying Poo In Progress Bathroom Warning Sign

$9.95 Amazon »

People think it's nasty, or at least poor manners at the dinner table, to talk about poo. Poo consistency. Poo shapes. Poo volume. And even poo feelings, which I particularly don't understand, because in every other aspect...

Tooletries The Harvey Toothbrush & Razor Holder

$22.99 Amazon »

The Harvey has a thing for shiny objects. Glass shower doors, polished mirrors, glistening tiles, metal razors, and sparkling clean teeth. The first three, the Harvey loves to plaster himself all over, sticking strong...

Ancient Ritual Arc Modern Home Sauna

Heat! Light! Sound! Comfort! Style! Empathic AI! The Ancient Ritual Arc Sauna has it all. Or at least all it needs to legitimately call itself a "modern" and "experiential" home sauna...

Cat-Proof Toilet Paper Holder

$27.99 Amazon »

They say this is a Cat-Proof Toilet Paper Holder. I say, "Ha! Hahahahaha!" You think an unlocked, lift-up lid is going to stop my cat, Zanzibar, from having his way with the Charmin? Ha! Hahahahaha!...

Cement Tissue Box Cover

Sold Out Amazon »

This Cement Tissue Box Cover weighs 4.4 pounds, which is about the same weight of the snot that came out of my body during the 6-week cold I had at the beginning of the year. I'm not even joking. In fact, I may have gone...

Butt Plug Sink Plug

$12.65 Etsy »

Ain't nothing getting past this sphincter! The Butt Plug Sink Plug is a mighty - and extra cheeky - addition to the bathroom on so many levels. It's silly and funny. It serves a real and useful purpose. And it allows...

Toilet Paper Holder with Wet Wipe Dispenser

$34.99 - $42.99 Amazon »

If you like the looks of this Toilet Paper Holder with Wet Wipe Dispenser, but are worried installing one in your own bathroom might delay or inhibit your preferred habits and routine, just stop right now. Because maker...

Middle Finger Toilet Paper Holder

$119.99 Etsy »

Flipping the bird becomes much more than a cheap gesture with this Middle Finger Toilet Paper Holder. Instead, Pygmallionaire's 3D-printed and hand-painted metallic design is a functional luxury!...

Mode Wireless Electric Toothbrush

$165 Mode »

Sweet, Mode, I've been looking for a wireless electric toothbrush to go with my black marbled bathroom wallpaper and black toilet. Really...

Elephant Soap Dish with Water-Draining Trunk

Sold Out Amazon »

Delightful. Precious. Wonderful. The best. Those are the words I am certain my wife and my mama will describe me when I give them each one of these Elephant Soap Dishes (with water-draining trunks!) Just a lil'...

TubShark One-Swipe Tub Strainer

$9 - $14 TubShark »

Strands of hair, sock fuzz still stuck to your feet, and shaved pubes are no match for the teeth of the TubShark, a new one-swipe tub strainer from a coupla dudes tired of using their fingers to pick out hair, fuzz, and...

Nest Wall Modern Magnetic Shower Caddy


Add another wall to my shower? If it's the Nest Wall, I'm down. This new shower caddy uses magnetized bottles and bins to keep all your hair, face, and body grooming products both easily accessible, and looking sleek...

Deadpool Toilet Paper Holder

$58.93 - $63.84 Etsy »

The Deadpool Toilet Paper Holder is just one more lure into the bathroom, and reason to spend more time on the porcelain throne when we get there. This minifig-inspired 3D print from Sandoz 3D Prints should team up with...

Tandem Shower - DIY Shower Converter Kit

$199 - $249 Boona »

A Tandem Shower? That's waaay better than a tandem bike. Or, like, a tandem trip to the art museum. Good on you, Boona, for coming up with a way for my wife and I to spend more quality time together that serves us both...

Handso Soap Holder & Sponge Combo

$35 Handso »

Handso claims to be the world's first soap holder and sponge combo. A soap dish you can use like a sponge. A soap storer and body washer in one. I don't keep saying it in different ways to try to wrap my head around Handso...

Ice Barrel Ice Bathtub

$1,019.99 Amazon »

A dude in an Ice Barrel? A 100-gallon barrel filled with water This photo is a still of a torture scene they're filming for some, like, Russian spy movie right? Gah! And I thought the Glacial Shower was a ridonkulous...

Kohler Stillness Freestanding Bath

$9,975 Kohler »

Be Stillness my heart! Kohler's Stillness freestanding bath, a whole spa experience tucked into a trendy smart tub, won't be available until the end of March 2022, but I'm sure my wife - and yours - will accept an IOU...