Emergency Drinking Water Storage

Posted: September 23, 2012
Emergency Drinking Water Storage
Check It Out

If you have an extra bathtub lying around, have I got a deal for your Zombie Apocalypse preparations. The waterBOB Emergency Drinking Water Storage Bladder lines everyone's second favorite bathroom basin and, when connected to the tap, engorges to a 100-gallon reservoir of clean, safe water for drinking, cooking, washing, and, er, flushing should tough, H2O-less times arise. FDA food grade plastic comprises the bladder's shell, and the kit also includes a siphon pump for simple distribution into cups or jugs. Fill time runs around 20 minutes, and once the stores have been retained, the water will remain fresh and potable for up to 4 weeks.

waterBOB points out that their storage bladder can also hold "other liquids", so if you happen to live in one of those neighborhoods whose plumbing supply occasionally flows with vodka instead of water, jackpot!

Muchas danke to The Green Head.

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