NightGlow Toilet Seat
NightGlow Toilet Seats don't just preclude black-of-night stubbed toes and Awww, F me morningtime cleanup requirements, they transform your excretory system's best inorganic buddy into an exhilarating pee-themed arcade!
It's 3 a.m. You wake with a funny feeling in the pit of your gut, so you sit up and force yourself out of bed. You enter the hall and notice a radiating blue light summoning you closer. You follow it. Rounding the corner into the bathroom you instinctually reach for your weapon and...glowing...beaming...there lies your target. Fully loaded now, you draw. You point. You...bullseye! Like a pro. Right down the middle through the hole.
And if you're really on the offensive, keep the gun tucked away. NightGlow Toilet Seats lend themselves just as well to reverse alignment for dropping your arsenal of bombs.
We previously saw Jonny Glow toilet-illuminating stickers as one means of giving our bodily waste receptacles nighttime visibility without incurring temporary blindness from overhead lights. But if you're a member of the Go Big or Go Home Squad, NightGlow's full-on seat replacements, available in both blue and green, plus round and elongated oval sizes, may be more your style. They charge when exposed to light during the daytime, and then hold their glow for over 8 hours at night. When not glowing, NightGlow toilet seats are "whitish" in color.
Pair the seats with a roll of glowing toilet paper to truly turn your bathroom into a radioactive carnival.