Toddler Target Potty Training Bullseye

The Toddler Target is a potty training tool that projects a green bullseye in your toilet bowl so your little whizzers have something a little more focused than the entirety of your bathroom to aim their stream at. Toddler Target calls itself, "No mess, no stress, easy and fun for all ages!" Which means, to the dudes who are dads, you won't be able to resist taking aim at the Toddle Target either.
You can follow up it with a Dad Joke about how pee-cise you are.
The Toddler Target light base affixes to your toilet lid. You can adjust its angle to fit your specific bowl, and to point to the area within where you'd like your shooters to direct their yellow deeds. The glowing green light and target also serve as a night light. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.