DeepLight 12 - Infinity Mirror LED Dodecahedron

The DeepLight 12 will lure and enchant you. "Look into my siiiiides," it will say. And you'll be like, "Which one? You, two three...twelve to choose from. Does it matter if I pick one on the top or bottom or - I mean they're all really pretty and colorful, but I wouldn't want to screw this up...." And the DeepLight 12 will sigh in exasperation, because it's tough being a dodecahedron, and especially tough being an infinity mirror LED dodecahedron, whose only job is to lure and enchant stupid humans. At least its cousins can have fun rolling around in RPGs, or just, like, chill out next to Buddha statues fake-protecting their owners from EMFs with their crystal "powers."
But the DeepLight 12 is a dodecahedron of both epic and troubled proportions. Its work is endless, but its effect spectacular, a 19" x 19" x 19" interactive sculpture that "leverages the unique properties of light to give the viewer the perception of staring into an endless abyss of geometry and color." Artist David Hughes is the mastermind behind the DeepLight 12 design, and he's produced just 500 of the dozen-faced LED infinity mirrors for hypnotists, math nerds, and optical illusion enthusiasts to add to their art collections. It is his first piece offered to the public.
Within its dodeca-sided frame the DeepLight 12 houses bespoke 2-way glass mirrors and custom-printed circuit boards flashing up to 960 LEDs in dozens of custom-written lighting modes and animations.
Muchas danke to The Awesomer.