Giant Canvas Teepee

Posted: January 28, 2015
Giant Canvas Teepee

For children ages 3 and up?! Pssshhh. Why would I waste a giant, 6-foot tall teepee on a kid when I can line it with lights, slide a skinned wampa rug inside, and entertain my lady friends? Especially my lady friend Kate Upton decked out as she is in the Game of War commercial. But even if it were (i.e., when it always is) me alone in the teepee entertaining myself, that would be pretty alright of a good time too.

Made of durable cotton canvas, they say this indoor teepee sets up easily, and provides a respite from contemporary life to the tune of a 48" width, 48" depth, and 72" height, including the wooden poles protruding from the top. Get yourself...fine, or your kid...some water- or oil-based paints and decorate the teepee reflect your unique personality. Mine will be covered in valiant Viking warriors and drinking horns. I'll also probably glue some Lucky Charms marshmallows to it to add texture.

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