Pop Culture Pixel Art Prints

Illustrator Gustavo Viselner applies his pixel art talents to pop culture in this nifty series of movie and TV show prints. From Superbad to Breaking Bad, Star Wars to Stranger Things, the posters take scenes from both classics and new hits, and turn them into into quirky pixelated display pieces.
I especially like how Viselner's print of Jon Snow staying behind to fight the entire Army of the Dead by himself while he tells Dany to "Go now! Leave!" manages to capture the brooding in his face in, like, 10 pixels. These pixel art prints certainly have a feeling of well-crafted nostalgia that makes me want to grab a Nintendo controller and start flying the pixelated dragon for myself. They're like a better rendered version of Kings Quest.
Pixel Art Prints condense pop culture into a range of landscape and portrait sizes. All posters are Viselner's original work, and if you want a scene you don't see in the collection already, he'll create custom illustrations upon request (though he seems to have an uncanny ability to pick some of the better scenes from each respective show or flick). All posters ship without frames.