Suggested Receptacles for the Drinking of Beer Poster

With Oktoberfest coming up, this poster of Suggested Receptacles for the Drinking of Beer is a treasure trove of ideas for me. Last year I was no more creative than glass, stein, and boot. Both the glass kind and the on-my-foot-kind for the latter, but still. Imagine the props I'll get this year when I chug my suds from an Abe Lincoln hat, a saxophone, and a canoe!
Maybe one of those origami folding kayaks so I have a better chance of making it through bag check.
Artist Dan Grzeca created the Suggested Receptacles for the Drinking of Beer Poster for a Screens and Suds benefit held for the MS Society, and a portion of its original print run was sold there. The 18" x 24" gallery of brew vessels is no joke either - ridiculous as some may seem, they are all real containers people have used and continue to use to transport their favorite brews from hand to mouth.
And even though a watering can and your wife's purse may look like a terrible and useless way to drink a beer, I can guarantee you it works better than at least one other approach I've tried: staring at keg and yelling, "Get! In! Mah! Belly!"