Americans = retards when it comes to geography.... and spelling. Come to think of it, we don't excel at much of anything these days. This map hopes to solve at least the first two problems, as well as adding a touch of style to your crappy apartment.
The World According To Americans
With the possible exception of the "AIDS" label that's covering half of Africa, some of these American stereotypes of the rest of world are surprisingly lacking in wickedness. I would have expected less superficial ignorance...
Mainland USA, According to Common Sense
The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure all of these "jokes" are based on actual statistics from the US Census. The other sad thing is, I bet the 95% of us who couldn't name half of the color blocks when looking at a blank...
Map of the Internet
Jay Simons and Martin Vargic: students; graphic designers; Slovakians; Internet cartographers. If the Web were divided into land masses, grouped along lines of latitude and meridians and flattened into a map on your desk...
The Abyss Table
I don't know if falling onto Duffy London's forthcoming oceanic cross-section coffee table will send you into The Abyss, but I can almost guarantee running into it will stub all of your toes and bloody your entire leg...
Poundtown Condom
In case there was any confusion, Poundtown Condom vendor Say It with a Condom specifies this particular latex shroud is for "anyone who's a Poundtown regular, or is coming for the first time." Haha, get it? There are...
Battles Map by Map
Anyone you know love maps and conflict with equal gusto? Well look no further than Battles Map by Map as the perfect gift for your favorite warmongering cartophile! (Military and history buffs will probably dig it too.)...
Monsters in America Map
Monsters in America: A Cryptozoological Map of the United States provides descriptions and locations of origin for beasts ranging from the Jersey Devil, Bigfoot, Mothman, and Chupacabra to Shunka Warakin, Caddy, the Honey...
Where I've Been Scratch-Off Map
What a fun way to track your world travels, or clever gift for your favorite ostentatious globetrotter with a mild gambling compulsion! One side of the 16.5" x 12" map is covered in a metallic patina that scratches off...
North Paw Human Compass Trainer
Yee haw! It's December 22, 2012 and we're all still here! Able to continue breathing, eating, working, gaming, online shopping, consuming, and generally navigating through life. Hmmm. Maybe I should take this non-apocalyptic...
The Mapper of Every Rapper
An organizational, poster-sized map of the music industry's 636 most prolific rappers: magnificent homage or elaborate slam? Divided into major categories and subcategories, such as Audacious Misspelling, Macks, Coolness...
Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes
Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes is a compilation and continuation of the Mapping Stereotypes project created by visual artist Yanko Tsvetkov. That's a curt, dispassionate way of saying the Atlas of Prejudice stockpiles...
Lost in the Woods: 15 Items to Help You Find Your Way
These 15 items that help you when you're lost will find north, map routes, illuminate dark spaces, and, when all else fails, SOS your stranded self some help. In other words, they will pretty much ensure you dudes and...