Wooden Steampunk Light Switch Cover

Not sure how much I'd want to swing from the chandelier, but I'd sure like to light it up using one of these Wooden Steampunk Light Switch Covers. I can hear my wife now at our next dinner party: It's time! Get the ladle and ready the wine! Everyone! Napkins on laps! Dude, grab the lever, and hold it tight! Hold! Hold, Dude, hold 'til my cue! ... OK, bread basket is set. Beef Burgundy is in place. ... Now! Flip the lever now!
And with a confident flip of the Wooden Steampunk Light Switch, I'd alight the table, and all the delectable goodness on it, all prepared by She-Ra: Princess of Power. My contribution to the evening being, of course, the aforementioned confident flip of the Wooden Steampunk Light Switch.
Oh, I can also open bottles of wine. Well, depending on what kind of corkscrew you got.
The Wooden Steampunk Light Switch Cover replaces standard one-switch covers with just a few minutes' effort. Choose from wood stain, metallic paint, copper paint, or cast iron black paint finishes. If you're haunting up your house for Halloween this year, this steampunk / industrial / Dr. Frankenstein's laboratory light switch cover would be a nice detail to add, especially if used to illuminate a Skull Chandelier.