WTF? Icon Prints
- Cthulhu Water Bottle - $12.99
- Bigfoot Lawn Statue - $125.00
- Batman Boxing Gloves - $16.98
- Jabba Glob with Oozing Slime & 6 Frogs - $39.95
- Cthulhu Ornament - $10.49
Santa, you better man up because your sleigh is about to be filled to the gates of heaven with prints of "Batman Puking His Friggin Guts Out" and "Bazooka Whale." I don't know what's more enamoring here: Jann Van Zant's WTF? artwork of iconic characters doing somewhat normal, yet by virtue of being so normal, extremely strange, and vaguely disturbing shit...or his precise and literal titles for said shit. Oh look, Bigfoot appears to be having some gastrointestinal issues, perhaps from terrorizing and/or eating humans. Let's call it, "Bigfoot Breaks into Some Dude's Cabin and Totally Takes a Fat Dump in His Toilet." And Cthulhu, who has been roboticized during his time on the ocean floor, is now ascending from depths of the sea and wreaking havoc on one of its vessels. It's "Robo Cthulhu Rises and Totally Wrecks Some Stupid Ship." Plus, here's your chance to escape the Tatooine, seeing as "Jabba the Hutt Barfed his Guts All the Way Down to Pizza Hut" and will be indisposed for the next 2 to 3 hours.
Van Zant's bizzare interpretations of our favorite heros and anti-heros range from (unmatted and unframed) 8 x 10 to 16 x 20 prints. Though individual print sizes are specified in their respective listings, alternative size requests may be accommodated upon request, and displays of the buyer's worthiness via a video submission of him or herself fending off a Big Gay Inflatable Snowman with a leaf blower. Unforgettable images of a sperm whale nailing a bald eagle with a bazooka and Cthulhu awakening and announcing his return to civilization with a "Sweet Ass Guitar Solo" are all inked on Archival Quality Kodak Professional Supra Endura paper.