
FlipBooKit - Mechanical Flipbook Kit

$48.95 - $99.95 FlipBooKit »

Is it just me, or does anyone else hear the word "flip" and immediately feel their middle finger raise or eyes scan the room for a red Solo cup? I know the reaction is uncouth, but the uncouthery isn't really attributable...

Interactive Ferrofluid Sculptures


In researching all of the uses for Interactive Ferrofluid Sculptures, I found myself continuously returning to one standout: time waster. The hypnotizing borosilicate glass vials filled with mutable elemental amoebas...

Desktop Saltwater Aquarium

$210 - $395 PJ Reefs »

"A self-contained, low maintenance REEF that will light up any desk with brightly colored coral." So goes the blurb on PJ Reefs' desktop-sized saltwater aquarium. I have to say, mine eyes are digging the brightly colored...

Perpetual Calendar

Sold Out Amazon »

Oh, here's a desktop accessory I would knock over at least 5 times a day. It's called the Perpetual Calendar...of Frustration...and its duo of magnetic balls slide right and left and round and round to keep track of the...

Photon 3D Scanner

$579 Matterform »

Matterform's Photon caters to people who want to get in on the 3D printing action, but have no existing computer modeling skills, and no desire to acquire any. A desktop-sized 3D scanner, the Photon will convert any physical...

Handbook for the Recently Deceased

$29.95 Etsy »

This Handbook for the Recently Deceased contains 220 blank pages. I don't know if that's better or worse than Adam and Barbara Maitland's gibberish-filled version. Perhaps better, as at least buyers can fill this one...

Ai Weiwei Statue

$200 Exhibition A »

Chinese artist and political activist Ai Weiwei flips the bird not to you and me (though he might if he knew us, 'ey?) but to public monuments. The White House. Tiananmen Square. King's Landing. In 2011, the Chinese government...

MechOwlie Steampunk Owl


Maybe the wise old steampunk MechOwlies can tell me why. Tell me why ain't nothin' but a heartache. Tell me why ain't nothin' but a mistake. Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way. Or at least whether...

Kuato Cigaratt Statue


Open your mind, Quaid, and tell me which is creepier: Kuato or the Cigaratt who's stomach he's jutting out from. Artist Cig Neutron combines 80s campiness with 50s sci-fi with Total Recall in this figurine spin on...well...

Tetris Alarm Clock

$39.29 »

As every girl under the age of 30 I've eavesdropped on at the hair salon* would say: O...M...G. Maybe the only thing better than dreaming about Tetrimino rods and cubes and guns cascading down into masses of perfectly...

Custom Vinyl Record Skulls

$400 Grey Area »

Grab your profundity caps, because multi-media artist Ted Riederer's custom-made Vinyl Record Skulls reflect more than just another opulent expression of punk rock. Their inspiration stems from an essay by Rainer Maria...

USB Lighter

$29.99 Lighter USB »

Jigger, the USB-charged cigarette lighter. Nice concept, but cigarettes? Cigarettes?! How will I light my Planet Earth Globe Fire Pit? How am I supposed to light my Kraken pipe? How I'm gonna light my Menagerie of Mechanized...

Titanic Piggy Bank

$170 Etsy »

What a nice metaphor for the state of my finances. So, what, the Titanic Piggy Bank is going the Grandma route, and employing guilt to exact fiscal responsibility and discipline? Well, after 20+ years of reckless spending...

Mr. P Tape Dispenser

Get your tape from the mouth of a little guy. No big deal. Use his toes to get a perfect tear at the end. Don't you hate it if there isn't a perfect tear at the end? Also, how many times have you cut your finger on that...

You Suck At Parking Business Cards

$18.95 Zazzle »

Personally, I think people should be thrown in jail for bad parking. Bad parkers fall into 2 groups... The first, just aren't mentally capable of parking well. And the second just don't give a shit. If jail isn't an option...

Defusable Alarm Clock

Sold Out Amazon »

Sometimes an alarm just isn't enough. It's too easy to press snooze and get another 10 minutes in. Before you know it, you're late. Here's your solution...

KOZO 2 Desk Lamp


Industrial style desk lamp made from galvanized cast iron piping. This is a masculine piece of lamp that will tell your visitors that you ain't messin' around while you sit at your quaint little desk and read celebrity...

Self Sustaining Ecosphere

$56.99 - $338.99 Amazon »

Sea monkeys anyone? More like tiny shrimps. A bit redundant, but that's what's in there. No diaper changing. No picking up shit with a plastic bag. No feeding. No nothing. These are the best friends money can buy. Buy...