Corvette Desk
- Object in Mirror Are Losing Decal - $4.44
- Corvette Grilling Utensils - $37.81
- 1953-2009 Corvette Technical Data Poster - $15.95
- Corvette Chronograph Watch - $119.00
- Corvette Hawaiian Shirt - $39.99
Has ever a rear end looked so hot in Big Bird yellow? Designer and fabricator Brian Bauer funnels raw horsepower into refined office decor, and emerges from the synergistic explosion with this glass-topped Corvette desk. He also 'Vettes out liquor bars, BBQ Grills, and other household furnishings--such as the wall mounted white Corvette table pictured below. And you thought paying bills, Excel spreadsheeting the family budget, and putting the smack down on outsourced, over-the-phone IT support personnel was a joyride before....
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