Oregon Trail Wagon Bed
- Heirloom Covered Wagon - $5,800.00
- Chuck Wagon Outdoor Kitchen & Bar - $10,000.00
- Lower Trail Chicken Tractor - $4,500.00
- Covered Wagon Chicken Coop - $6,650.00
Welp, at least if you die of cholera now, you won't be out roughin' it on the Oregon Trail, but tucked all cozy into your Oregon Trail Wagon Bed. Not the best place to get dysentery though....
According to Oregon Trail Wagon Bed builder Hitchman Homestead, this twin-size respite for your weary bones is actually called the Goodnight Pioneer Wagon Twin Bed, but like the 19th-century pioneers of the Oregon Trail, I like to choose my own adventure when it comes to products' names.
I'm sure all of you hashtaggers, meme-makers, and Mandalorian fans who refuse to call The Child anything but Baby Yoda out there can understand.
The Goodnight Pioneer Wagon Twin Bed is made for both indoor and outdoor use, though no, kids, you can't hitch it up to your family's goldendoodles and make them pull you around the neighborhood if you choose the latter. Hitchman Homestead handmakes each between with a steel frame surrounded by finished wood components, and the whole bed is modular, so you can break it down completely, and haul it anywhere for setup with standard hand tools.
At the foot of the Goodnight Pioneer Wagon Twin bed is a bulit-in toy box, and the side has a set of flip-down steps to "give a boost to a bitty-pioneer." The bed also has a slide-out drawer for storing clothes...and the occasional buffalo you actually hit while hunting for food on the Oregon Trail.