Star Wars Chewbacca Beanbag
- Mammoth Lounger Giant Bean Bag Pillow - $68.64
- Star Wars Storage Trunk - $16.76
- Chewbacca Star Wars Buddies Beany Plush - $22.95
- got bandolier? - 12oz White Ceramic Mug - $22.89
- Chewbacca Journal - $25.89
The only thing wrong with this Chewbacca Beanbag, a Wookiee lounger my ass would otherwise love to plop down on, is that it's from Pottery Barn. Just like this Star Wars Bed. So basically the only people who can have furry, toothy, soft-pellet-stuffed Chewie are rich Star Wars geeks, and spoiled children who also want Daddy to buy them an oompa loompa.
Pssshh. Pottery Barn. This reminds me of that episode of Friends where Rachel keeps buying furniture from them, but tells Phoebe it's from antique stores and thrift shops because she doesn't like how Pottery Barn is a mass production chain store, but then she...uh.... Just so we're clear, I wasn't, uh, watching Friends on my own volition. I, uh, She-Ra: Princess of Power had it on.
The Chewbacca Beanbag is sold either as a fully stuffed chair, or as the slipcover only, for you to fill, or put over your head and run around the house screaming Aaaarhg! in, as you see fit. It's made of modacrylic, acrylic, and polyester Sherpa for ultra-softness. Overall diameter is 41".
All above ranting aside, if you have the Imperial credits, and are looking for a Star Wars gift, you really can't got wrong with the Chewbacca Beanbag.