Bacon Express Crispy Bacon Grill

Posted: January 18, 2017
Bacon Express Crispy Bacon Grill
Check It Out

Whole wheat in the toaster, bacon in the...other toaster, a yank of the iceberg, a slice of the tomato, and mmmm. BLTeee-licious. Without turning on the stove or getting popped in the eye with a grease BB.

Nostalgia says since its Bacon Express cooks your pork strips vertically, all the fat will drip away during cooking to make that BLT extra crispy and a little more healthy too.

A door to the Bacon Express fold down at the side, inviting up to 6 slices of bacon to come hang out on its grill plate for a while. The countertop cooker has settings to preheat the plate, and to cook both thin and thick-cut bacon to doneness ranging from British to Tortilla Chip. No flipping required.

The Bacon Express has a drip tray at the bottom to pool grease for disposal after upright frying.

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