Electric Tea Kettle with Built-in Tea Infuser
- Glass Teapot with Infuser Set - $39.99
- Gourmia Electric Square Tea Maker - $99.99
- Secura Electric Water Boiler & Warmer - $59.99
- Teabox Oriental Tea Maker - $39.99
- MatchaDNA Handheld Electric Milk Frother - $34.91
Gourmia takes the quickness electric kettle bring to making a pot o' tea one step further. Their PreciseTea Intelligent AutoKettle incorporates a built-in infuser in the form a micro mesh SmartSteep basket. So you can dunk your leaves right into the kettle once the water boils, eliminating the need for a separate teapot.
The PreciseTea kettle's steeping infuser is mounted on a tamper you can lower and raise without removing the basket from the vessel. Once you've steeped to your desired strength, just lift the tamper to hover the leaves above the hot water. The kettle also has programmable temperature controls on its base so you can heat the water to your tea type's exact recommended degrees.
Use the PreciseTea electric kettle to boil water for noodles, oatmeal, hot chocolate, and anything else you don't need steeped in-pot as well.
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