F-Bomb Housewares

Zach Golden's cookbook What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner has spawned a culinary F-bomb phenomenon. Now the word "Fuck" is being inserted with reckless abandon into otherwise perfunctory statements about grocery runs, coffee, and kissing the cook. As in:
- "I need some fucking groceries" on a reusable, 10-ounce heavyweight natural canvas bag, measuring 15" x 18" x 6" with 22" reinforced handles.
- "Fuck plastic." A bit more of a psycho-environmentalist stance, printed on the same reusable shopping bag detailed above.
- "Not your fucking mug" plastered across a dishwasher- and microwave-safe hot liquid transport vessel.
- "Fucking Coffee." On a fucking coffee mug.
- "Kiss the fucking cook." Hmmm. This one has some questionable semantic interpretations, based on whether you read its F-bomb as an (obviously intended) adjective or an (indisputably more visually interesting) adverb.
- "Thank you for that fucking thing you did." Heartfelt greeting card.
- "I'm fucking drunk." Shot glass, naturally. And another fun trip down semantics lane.
All F-Bomb Housewares are available in black and white, and aprons also print in khaki and yellow.
Muchas danke to Mitch T. for the product suggestion.
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