Fresco Chef Hat - Keep Your Baked Goods Fresh

The Fresco Chef Hat doesn't bake the goods, it keeps the already baked goods fresh, so the last of your dozen cupcakes from the local bakery will taste just as moist and delicious as your first, even if you're eating it when you're not baked.
Fresco is a baked goods preserver that uses water and the grooves of its adorable red chef hat to keep any and all of your sweet and savory dough- and batter-based treats fresher for longer. To activate your fresh hat, pour about an ounce of water into the Fresco's top opening, and then place it in a closable container with your baked goods. The hat is sized to fit all standard cupcake containers and the center of a bundt cake. You can also place it alongside doughnuts or cinnamon rolls in their boxes, in a bread box, or underneath a cake dome.
Fresco Chef Hats work via evaporation, with just enough water leaving the hat to absorb gradually and naturally into baked goods that would otherwise dry out.