Hedgehog Cheese Grater

- DinosaurHard-Boiled Egg Mold - $6.25
- GRATIATOR - Sword Cheese Grater - $13.90
- Grana Padano in Grater - $22.00
- Valuetools Manual Rotary Cheese Grater - $22.99
- Lemon Zester & Cheese Grater by Samshow - $13.99
You've heard of hedge cheese, right? This hedgehog cheese grater is called Kasimir. According to Wikipedia, Kasimir is the German variation of the Catalan Casimir, which may mean "someone who destroys [an] opponent's prestige / glory during battle." According to Urban Dictionary, Kasimir is a dude "who is very athletic and cares about his health. A Kasimir is also very kind, helpful, and loving. He is also extremely blessed with a large penis and is a great lover."
Fit and fierce destroyer, ready to slay the enemy in the field, and the ladies in the bedroom. And you thought this was just another adorable hedgehog-shaped cheese grater.
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