King Corn Porcelain Corn Holder

Sure, King Corn will skewer and secure your buttery, juice-spurting corn on the cob so you don't get your hands dirty. But the porcelain gorilla might also bite your face off when you lean in to take a bite. I think I'll just take my chances with burnt fingers, corn kernels embedded under my fingernails, and the regular application of the 3-second rule when my butter-laden cob slips away.
King Corn is part of Donkey's animal line of corn cob holders, which also includes Rocko the Rhino and Hermine the Hot Dog Dog. Since the skewers are made of porcelain and stainless steel, they run on the pricey side, but could step in as the perfect gift for the corn lover, or the Harambe lover, in your life.
And for those more interested in the high fat dairy smothered on the corn than the corn itself, check out this sweet Butter Mill. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.