Lucky Iron Fish - Iron-Infused Cooking Fish
- EZ Melts Iron - $17.99
- Cast Iron Fish Wall Hook - $10.50
- IronKids Gummies - $28.00
- MegaFood - Blood Builder, Energy Boosting Iron Supplement - $27.83
This Lucky Iron Fish sounds as fishy as it looks. The palm-sized cooking tool says it can bump up your daily iron intake with 2 to 7mg of bioavailable iron when boiled in 1L of water or broth along with 2 to 3 drops of an acidic food. Uh...really? Are you sure it isn't just a fish paperweight? And a bunch of your marketing people made a bet about who could come up with the most Ridikoolous, Cousin Larry rebranding of the fish paperweight that people might still believe enough to empty your warehouses overflowing with fish paperweights? No?
OK, then. I guess we're gonna talk some more about an iron-infused cooking fish.
The Lucky Iron Fish is intended to help prevent iron deficiency in athletes, vegetarians / vegans, and women, plus help those who already have anemia with an easy, integrative boost. When boiled with a few drops of citrus juice, vinegars, and tamarind, the fish releases some of its iron - safely, its makers say - into the liquid. If you use water and lemon, you can then cool the resultant batch and use it to fill your water bottle. For broth-based soups, continue cooking the dish and enjoy your iron supplement with a spoon.
Each Iron Fish is reusable for up to 5 years with daily use. Further, for every one purchased, those behind the cooking fish will donate a second to a family in need in the developing world.