Mustache Guard Mug

Posted: May 26, 2015
Mustache Guard Mug
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June 21st is Father's Day. If Papa's already got a brand new bag (maybe the Henty you got him for Christmas?) now it's time for a brand new mug. Here's a hand(lebar)y choice for they of the hairy upper lips. The Bucardo Mustache Mug includes a built-in mustache guard to protect its mustachioed sippers from soiling their follicles with coffee or aerated white milk products. The 13 ounce mug also features the portrait of a very well endowed Victorian Mister, original artwork from SoCal artist Jeff McMillan.

In case you're into history, British potter Harvey Adams invented the original mustache cup in the mid-19th century with a removable guard that attached to its inner brim. The useful trend spread throughout Europe, and then made its way to North America, where it remained popular until mustaches went out of style. But mustaches, for better or worse, are back baby, and so their beverage barriers have followed. The Bucardo Mug was inspired by a mustache cup relic "salvaged from the farthest reaches of a kitchen cabinet in Ottawa, Canada."

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