
Transparent Stock Pot

$200 Moma Store »

It's no Sears Tower* glass Skydeck hovering 1,353 feet above the streets of Chicago, but at least this transparent stock pot is a lot easier to haul home, and way less likely to make you vomit. Well...unless you're a...

App-Controlled Crock-Pot Slow Cooker


Big Brothering and doing home things when you're not at home now extends to the kitchen with this collaboration between the Kleenex of slow cookers, Crock-Pot, and the June Cleaver of home automation, Belkin. The Crock-Pot...

Black Diamond Floating Knife Block

Edge of Belgravia, previously featured for their scandalous ceramic knife meat and produce stabbings, has added this Black Diamond floating knife block to their culinary repertoire. Designed by Christian Bird, the rough-cut...

Rolled Omelet Pan

Sold Out Amazon »

This Rolled Omelet Pan could be an alternative to the Bubble Waffle pan for the gluten intolerant. Or an accompaniment to the Bubble Waffle pan for the culinarily adventurous who also could have beaten Joey Chestnut in...

Bubble Waffle Pan

$107 Amazon »

I didn't know I had a favorite Hong Kong street food until I saw this fat, doughy bubble waffle. I haven't tasted one yet, but am reassured by the fact that my gut pretty much always gets along with anything described...

Automatic Japanese Noodle Maker

No need to knead, noodle lovers. Or mix, feed, or crank for that matter. Just pour water, flour, egg...and whatever other edible Eastern magic creates the kinky deliciousness that is ramen...into the Philips Noodle Maker...

Star Wars Stacking Mugs

Sold Out Amazon »

I call not drinking out of Luke Skywalker's crotch! Star Wars Stacking Mugs. Divided into thirds both vertically and horizontally the trio features the uppers, privates, and legs of Luke, Han Solo, and a random Stormtrooper...

Lekue All-in-One Bread Maker

$26.74 Amazon »

Lekue's Bread Maker is a bearer of bread. Bread, according to the Catalonian design firm, that bakes crusty and golden inside the same silicone container it's been weighed, kneaded, and shaped in. And you thought the...

Star Wars X-Wing Knife Block

$299.99 Amazon »

What person on the galaxies both near and far, far away is not going to want a Star Wars X-wing knife block? Kids, geeks, chefs, home cooks, people who like knives, people who like food... Admittedly...

Steak Saws

Sold Out Amazon »

Steak Saws? Now that's a little cynical, don't you think? Just because you've had to get the entirety of your body weight behind carving bites off of every steak your wife/girlfriend/mama has served to this point in life...

Cover Blubber Food Savers

$19.99 ThinkGeek »

Like Food Huggers, Cover Blubbers are condom-ish pieces of sticky rubber that fit directly over leftovers for preservation and storage. Kind of like plastic wrap or foil, except Cover Blubbers actually adhere and stay...

LEGO Kitchen Utensils

$34.99 ThinkGeek »

This LEGO-esque utensil set makes me want to glue interlocking bricks to everything I own for easy wall storage on a baseplate. Belts, hats, game controllers, wallets, phone cases, underwear. I could wallpaper my entire...

Mellow Sous-Vide Cooker

$400 Mellow »

Mellow is about to make it a little easier for the average person to cook all fancy and pretentious. Wi-Fi connected and app-controlled, the forthcoming sous-vide machine will allow users to dump in a bag of uncooked...

Clongs - Click-Lock Sit-Up Tongs

Sold Out Amazon »

Since it's difficult for me even to pour a bowl of cereal without making a mess I'm not sure how much of a difference in cleanliness Clongs will make in my life, but I do appreciate their intent and nifty V-dip. And with...

Death Star Cutting Board

Sold Out Amazon »

And I thought it couldn't get any better than R2-D2 measuring cups. Well, really, R2-D2 measuring cups are better than a Death Star cutting board, if for no other reason than their deconstruct/reconstruct Russian doll...

TowlHub USB Paper Towel Holder


As if it weren't amazing enough that there are paper towels so strong that a single quilted sheet can mop up an entire glass of spilt milk someone's crying over. Now these paper towels' holders can charge up to 4 of my...

R2D2 Measuring Cups

$79.96 Amazon »

What? R2-D2 measuring cups?! Dude. If R2-D2 can make me some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies in honor of the fact that I want some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, my whiny ex-girlfriend will officially be correct...

Good Grips Mango Splitter

Sold Out Amazon »

OXO says, "There's nothing as luscious as a ripe mango." OXO obviously has never seen Kate Upton's rack. Or Kelly Brook's. Or Christina Hendricks'. However, I do agree

Zipstrip Herb Stripper

$7.50 Amazon »

I question this Zipstrip's ability to zippily strip cilantro stalks, which is pretty much the only (culinary) herb I'm aware of that doesn't make me want to sneeze and vomit simultaneously, but if you like rosemary, thyme...

Power Mitt Oven Glove

$39 Power Mitt »

Amidst all this talk of 2014 being the year of wearable technology, Pete Hottelet's Power Mitt reminds me that the real year of wearable technology was 1989. Even though it's kind of the bastard child of Nintendo on account...

Snack Attack Cookie Cutters

$11.99 Perpetual Kid »

Why do I need a cookie cutter with a bite taken out of it? I can do this myself. In fact, when I have cookies taking bites out of them is pretty much all I do. I like the shark though. Kids might dig this whole Snack...

Curling Pan - Shapeshifting Cutting Board

Right now Juan Lee's Curling Pan is just a concept. A wicked concept that Juan better make happen because a cutting board that curls up into a frying pan when it hits the heat of a stovetop burner? Holy balls that's some...

The Official DC Comics Super Hero Cookbook

$13.49 Amazon »

Well I know I would like a Batman mini pizza and some Martian Manhunter cupcakes for lunch today. And The Official DC Super Hero Cookbook says it is suitable for use by people ages 6 and up, so even if my mama refuses...

Lil Sweetie Cast Iron Stove


The reduction of "Little" to "Lil" normally makes me cringe. It might be second only to shortening words with "y" or "ie", or adding the letters to the end of them. "Sammy" instead of "sandwich" is the worst offense...