Pancake Plates
I can't think of anything bad to say about this product. It's not particularly inspired (it's just a plate with an extra level for syrup to pool into) but it does exactly what it is supposed to do. And it's certainly something that is needed. Those damn pancakes will soak the main good thing about eating pancakes up before you get to slurp that sugary, sticky, maple nectar down.
Over-the-Sink Dish Drying Rack
This over-the-sink dish drying rack is a 2-tier space saver with a side of storage and organization. A real multi-tasker that does it all with poise and elegance. Sound like any maternal figure you might know? One who...
PancakeBot Pancake Printer
Turn a Picasso...or your own boobie scribbles...into edible, delectable art with the PancakeBot, the world's first pancake printer, and the world's latest entirely unnecessary invention! Mama! I'm tired of circles and...
Bubble Waffle Pan
I didn't know I had a favorite Hong Kong street food until I saw this fat, doughy bubble waffle. I haven't tasted one yet, but am reassured by the fact that my gut pretty much always gets along with anything described...
Chef Stack Pancake Machine
Now this is a pancake machine Henry Ford would appreciate. It's almost akin to something you'd see Homer lying down in front of with his mouth open wide as the Chef Stack Pancake Machine pumps endless pancakes into his...
Gravitational Displacemats
Hey, it's a trick placemat! Either that or a new line of cast iron dishes and silverware. Nah, it's the placemat. The Gravitational Displacemat, as they're called. These optical illusions for the dinner table add a few...
Eat, Drink & Be Standing Plates
Great Plate gives a hand to anyone with a pile of beef brisket and a freshly cracked beer. A burger and a red cup. A bratwurst and a can of sodie. This nifty champion of standing up while chowing down has a high-rimmed...
Vertical Waffle Maker
A waffle maker with the profile of a toaster, and that's not even the best part of Cuisinart's vertical Belgian beauty. The best part is that you pour the batter in through a spout on top of the machine, up to a clearly...
Death Star Waffle Iron
Want to know another way to destroy a Death Star? Douse it in syrup and set it in front of my hungry face. If you love waffles and you love Star Wars, or even if you just like one of the two, or even if you just kind...
The Go Plate
The day has come. Never again will we be forced to set down either our beers or our plates before administering a high five during tailgates, backyard BBQs, and the Journey featuring Special Guests Foreigner and Night...
Machete Spatula
Since I usually hack up eggs, salmon, chicken, and steaks when I try to flip or test their doneness anyway, a Machete Spatula would probably be an appropriate addition to my cooking arsenal. Plus, if any utensil could...
Maple Stream Sprayable Maple Syrup
Milk for Santa's cookies? Lame. This year I'm leaving out a can of Maple Stream instead, and letting 7 fluid ounces of sprayable maple syrup help him wash down the peanut butter blossoms, Corn Flake wreaths, and gingerbread...
Cast Iron Pirate Pancake Griddle
Mmm, pirate pancakes. Booty to pad your booty. Yeah I know. That was lame. Cut me some slack, though. You don't know what I was up to last night. No. No it didn't involve Diablo III and a 24-pack of Duff Beer