Raclette Cheese Melting Machine
"Alexa, add raclette cheese to the list of tasty foods that are going to make me distastefully fat this season." Would you like me to add the Nutri-Chef cheese melting machine to your cart?
This raclette cheese melter's hovering heating element radiates down onto wedges or wheels secured beneath it to produce bubbly-hot layers of cheese you can scrape right off the top. The effect isn't just a delicious one for your breads, meats, vegetables, and belly, but also a pretty spectacular one for your holiday parties and dinner buffets.
Though Swiss raclette is traditional, the machine will melt any hard cheese you can nestle into the cradle and impale on the spikes under its electric burner. Once in place, Nutri-Chef says you'll see your cheese melt fast and evenly, at which point you can hold your food up to it and scrape the layers off, or pick up the wheel and scrape the cheese off over your food and Packers fan friends' heads remotely.
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