Rice Cube Square Sushi Maker
- Kotobuki Mini Cube Rice Mold - $12.19
- Sushiquik Complete Training Sushi Kit - $34.95
- Pyramid Food Mold - $11.04
- Square Hardboiled Egg Maker - $12.50
- Leifheit Perfect Sushi Roller - $13.12
Point 1: Crafting traditional sushi rolls requires the finesse and fine motor skills of a surgeon. Point 2: Compact 3D squares of food look way cooler and more Willy Wonka magical than squat cylinders of it. Ergo: Bring on the Rice Cube and let the simple sushi-making and Chocolate Factory-style dining begin.
Rice Cube condenses the tedious stuff-tuck-roll-tidy-repeat steps of the sushi preparation process into a seemingly foolproof stuff-and-smash technique. Lovers of starchy grains, veggies, and raw fish flesh can also marry the three without nori seaweed wrappings, and without making the more calorically dense and time-consuming sticky rice--plain rice presses and holds in this kitchen gadget just as well.
And for that matter, so too do polenta, cheese, meat, potato, falafel, butter, lentils, brownies, fudge, dried fruits...holy Mary mother of that lamb with separation anxiety! Talk about 3 square meals a day! With a Rice Cube in my kitchen armory I'll never eat another rounded, asymmetrical, acute- or obtuse-angled piece of food again!
Muchas danke to The Green Head.
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