simplehuman Paper Towel Pump

simplehuman has come up with the Paper Towel Pump, a paper towel holder with a removable cleaning solution spray bottle as its core, and yet another product that makes a simple human task a little bit easier. And a little more design-y. And a lot more expensive for simple humans.
The tubular Paper Towel Pump bottle has a 6-ounce capacity, and slides in and out of a base rod via a push-down lock / unlock mechanism and finger loop. When locked in place you can pick up and move around the entire paper towel holder as one, and the center rod that holsters the Pump is long enough to keep the roll of paper towels in place when the former is removed. A tension arm on the outside secures the end of the roll, preventing unraveling, and providing some resistance when you make to tear your desired number of towels off at their perforation.
The simplehuman Paper Towel Pump comes in brushed silver, matte black, white, and brass finishes.