The Dude's Rug Cutting Board

Obviously, The Dude's Rug cutting board will really tie your kitchen together. And beyond that, this slab of cherry covered in a Persian rug motif is truly a sight to behold.
Dave Stencil of Cutting Boredom laser etches the trademark Lebowski pattern onto the board's surface in your choice of 2 sizes, 7.5" x 13" x 3/4" or 9" x 15" x 1". The board is an edge grain cherry, which Stencil describes as the "better" quality of 3 types of cutting boards, in terms of wear and knife treatment (flat grain = good; edge grain = better; end grain = best). He went with edge grain because it provides the most consistent background such a detailed image of such splendor. Dude approved across, as it were, the board.
If you're as big of a fan of The Dude as we are, check out the rest of our sweet Big Lebowski finds here.