Your Slyce Pizza Topping Divider
- Pizzacraft PizzaQue Outdoor Pizza Oven - $169.00
- Presto Stainless Steel Pizza Oven - $49.99
- 12" Digital Pizza Oven - $78.13
- Heritage 15" Black Ceramic Pizza Stone - $47.97
- La Hacienda Steel Construction Pizza Oven and Smoker - $199.95
I guess the Your Slyce pizza topping divider--or as they call it, "personalization tool"--is a good idea for, say, the 1% of Americans who eat only 1 slice of pizza. For the rest of us, it's a terrible tease.
Oh hey, how's about the perfect slice of pizza? One that's completely custom sauced, cheesed, and toppinged to your liking. One that's guaranteed not to have your friend Cornelius' slimy pineapple or your friend Victor's rotten anchovy encroaching its borders. Great, here you go.
I know. It's exactly what you wanted, right? The best. The absolute best. What, you want a second piece? Well...huh...I didn't have enough room to make more than one bacon, onion & chili with a fried egg on top. But I do have a slice of cheese with no sauce my 4-year-old nephew barely took a bit out of.
Your Slyce indeed. Your Lone Single Measly Slyce.
On the plus side the non-stick silicone dough insert is flexible for easy clean-up and storage. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.