Novatrope Strobing Mood Lights

Novatropes are abstract flower, sealife, and geometric sculptures that get moody when placed over a base with a built-in strobe light. The combination of the moving LED light, a rotating base, and translucent 3D-printed designs create stunning optical illusions of soothing and mesmerizing movement.

A flower looks like it's blooming again and again. A piece of coral or tentacled creature appears to sway in the ocean current. An MC Escher-style painting comes to life.
Novatrope strobing mood lights come in an array of different designs, each best displayed on one of the company's custom wood or nylon docks. Dock kits typically include a pair of Novatrope sculptures, a base with built-in strobing system, and an acrylic dome to protect your moving mood light, and further enhance its display.