Skyscraper Stalaclights
Stalaclights. I wonder which came first: David Graas' intricate, 3D-printed hanging skyscraper bulb shades or his indubitably clever parody of a name for them. The skyscrapers give the appearance of growing directly from their bulbs, a technique now possible since said bulbs are LEDs and emit very little otherwise damaging heat.
Available in designs called simply Stalaclight-1, Stalaclight-2, and Stalaclight-3 (because once you've pulled "Stalaclight" out of your thinking cap your work is done) the lights are all inspired by the Art Deco area, an architectural period that also saw the birth of the first skyscrapers in New York and Chicago. A standard feature in all major cities today, Graas explains that if we (or, more probably, the hand of God) were to turn these landscapes upside down, they would look just like stalactites extending from a limestone cave's ceiling.
My favorite part about this story is that now I know which ones are stalactites and which are stalagmites.
Graas previously flexed his architectural lighting muscle with this Cityscape Light.
Muchas danke to If It's Hip It's Here.