Gunnlaug Sound Absorbing Curtain

Rshhjish irkanuh goorpojush srrdadsrrding cishnish. Oh wait. My bad. Let me pull my new IKEA Gunnlaug Sound Absorbing Curtain back before I tell you. Dudes, this is IKEA's new Gunnlaug Sound Absorbing Curtain. According to IKEA, it is single-faceted - made of 100% recycled polyester - and multifunctional.
First, the semi-opaque white or gray Gunnlaug is a stylish addition to your home drapery collection, especially at windows where you want to filter more light than you let it when the curtains are closed. More notably, the curtain's fabric absorbs medium and high sound frequencies, at a rate ranging from 50% to 100% better than other fabrics of similar quality and weight. For the WFH and SAD* crowds that will invariably buy it, some examples of the types of noise reduction the Gunnlaug curtain can handle include clattering dishes and cutlery, chairs squealing against the floor, and the songs of Adam Levine.
Muchas danke to Gizmodo.
*Sleep All Day.