Mystery Boxes

Posted: October 18, 2013
Mystery Boxes
$40.39 - $56.59
Check It Out

Mystery Boxes are the win-win gift. They make the tedious purchasing and giving process only a molecule more strenuous and demanding of thought than buying a gift certificate to Best Buy or Chick-fil-A, yet their effect will likely yield delight and subsequent kudos from all as the recipient unveils, one by one, the unimaginable treats inside. Even I as giver would watch the opening with bated breath. Mostly praying the one I bought for my mama doesn't have a tube of lube and a personal massager in it.

It would be sort of OK if the one I'm gonna buy for myself did though, Mystery Box.

Yes, Mystery Boxes are a risk, but admittedly not of the proportions to which I have just alluded. Boxes carry themes, and buyers can choose which theme suits their gift's recipient, or themselves, prior to checkout. Themes include:

  • Fun & Games Box
  • Spicy Box. (I don't know if this means food spicy or British slang sexual-in-nature spicy, given the Firebox, Mystery Box's vendor, is UK-based. Or maybe I'm thinking of saucy.)
  • Unusual Box
  • Food Porn Box
  • Home & Lifestyle Box. (Better include some Edible Anus chocolates.)

Find more mysterious and compelling gifts in Dude's Gift Guide.

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