Session Goods Designer Stash Jar & Ashtray

To their designer smoking line Session Goods has added, if you will. The new Stash Jar and Ashtray have the same handsome, minimalist design as the company's bong, pipe, and one hitter, and provide partakers (partokers?) a clean and organized way to enjoy their smoking Session.
The double-decker Session Stash Jar stores herbs in a black borosilicate glass container on its upper floor, and extra accessories in a slate gray trisected silicone base that attaches underneath. The press-fit silicone lid seals everything in, plus has a built-in bowl stand on its underside.
Session's designer Ashtray follows the same color scheme, and uses a similar resealable silicone lid and borosilicate glass body to make it easy to pack your ash in, and pack it back out during road trips, boat trips, and BYOA parties. The Ashtray also has a silicone footer to protect your glass, and an interchangeable fire-retardant debowler.
Oh, and that's Bring Your Own Ashtray parties.
You can check out the Session Goods Stash Jar and Ashtray, along with Session's other designer smoking gear, over at the Session Goods online store.