Skull Gas Fireplace Logs
- White Skull Fireplace Log - $65.00
- Myard 24" Sierra Birch Fire Gas Logs - $282.70
- Just Like Fire Deadly Skull Hot Sauce - $19.99
- Elite Flame Vista Tabletop Firepit - $149.99
- Skull Soap Dispenser in White - $32.95
Time to surprise my girlfriend with a romantic night by the fire. And a romantic fire filled with human skull fireplace logs. Who knew bone made such fine kindling?
Oh yeah.
Funeral directors.
I kid, I kid. These are not real human skull logs; in fact, they're not even real logs. They're reinforced steel coated with lava granules and fireproof ceramic (the same material NASA tests rocket engines on) and they're intended for use in natural gas or liquid propane fireplaces and outdoor fire pits. Obviously a must-have gift for every Halloween party and April Fool's Day prank, the skulls are sold individually, or here in sets of 3 and 5. They measure 8" to 9" long x 6-1/2" to 7-1/2" wide. Their weight is listed as "heavy."
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