Thermo Temporal Artery Thermometer

Posted: December 27, 2017
Thermo Temporal Artery Thermometer
Check It Out

Wow, thermometers have come a loooong way from the up-the-butt of my childhood. The Thermo from Nokia takes your kid's, or your own, temperature without the need to stick it anywhere unpleasant. Or anywhere at all. This heat reader gets its measurements from the temporal artery, and requires no more than a sweep across the forehead - a wave of the magic wand, you could say - to determine the number of degrees swirling around inside.

According to Nokia, the temporal artery is the best place to detect temperature changes, since the blood that circulates in that area comes directly from the body's core. The Thermo contains 16 infrared sensors that take 4,000+ measurements during each forehead pass, so it should have accuracy going for it along with simplicity and speed of use. What else?

Waving a Thermo is more sanitary than clamping down a thermometer in your mouth, or even putting one in your ear, and definitely sticking one anywhere near the caboose region. Once the scan is complete, the thermometer provides an instant read-out with color-coded fever indicator. You can also, no surprise, auto-send Thermo data to the Nokia Thermo app, where it will store your personal temperature history, give basic health advice, and offer to share information with your healthcare professional.

Up to 8 users can store and access their personal temperature history with a single Thermo thermometer and app.

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