
Inirv React App-Controlled Stove Safety Device

$199 - $239 Inirv »

Like a highly sophisticated smoke detector, the Inirv React sensor unit monitors the amount of smoke and gas in your kitchen, as well as monitors motion. It can combine and interpret this information to determine whether...

RediTape - EDC Duct Tape

$7.99 Amazon »

How many times have you reached down for a strip of duct tape to repair your busted bag / cracked water bottle / ripped bike seat / dislodged car bumper (oops), only to realize you decided not to put the 55-yard roll...

Etch Morphing Digital Clock

$1,375 Etch »

The Etch clock engraves every minute of your day into stone. Figuratively speaking. Really it uses the trickery of 3D digital numbers and a colored elastic membrane to give the eye-catching appearance of chiseled time...

Heng Balance Magnetic Switch Lamp

$69.99 - $85.99 Amazon »

Newton's Cradle meets abacus meets the first day of creation in the Heng Balance Lamps. Li Zanwen created his series of square, oval, and circular beechwood desk lamps with a pair of magnetic wooden balls on strings at...

The Original Danish Dough Whisk

$7.90 Amazon »

My girlfriend showed me this Danish Dough Whisk because I spent most of yesterday bitching about winter and how I'll have nothing to do for the next 3 months but sit around and bake bread. I don't know why I said that...


$16.12 Amazon »

Knork: it's the camping-ready Spork's urban, cutting edge cousin. Here to help you slice and pierce your filet mignon with a single hand and a simple rocking motion. Perfect for the knife-renouncing avant-garde, plus...

The Ring Pipe

Sold Out Lindsey Hampton »

The Ring Pipe is like a unicorn poop poppy seed bagel that will get you high. Very nice. Very nice indeed. Lindsey Hampton hand-forms and fires each piece in stoneware and then finishes them in either a blue or pink ombre...

Ship in a Bourbon Barrel Decanter

$175 Amazon »

Sloshed at sea, awash in a swell of liquor. It doesn't sound that nice when you say it, but this hand-blown decanter giving a whiskey barrel spin to the class ship in a bottle sure looks pretty alright...

Delta In2ition 2-in-1 Shower Head

$148.52 - $173.65 Amazon »

I like a focused rinse on my man parts in the shower. I bet some of you dudes out there, and especially some of you ladies, would agree. Having both a static and a detachable shower head in the bathroom is a nice little...

Brass Pour Over Drip Coffee Maker

Sold Out Amazon »

Have some industrial-strength coffee from an industrial-designed coffee maker. This brass pour over brewer offers up a pretty slick means of making drip table side with its mug-sized wood base, steampunk-y adjustable...

iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit

$74.95 Amazon »

Does it feel like you have "iFixit" stamped across your forehead? Does everyone ask you to fix their computers and troubleshoot their phones just because you wear glasses and T-Shirts that say things like, "There are...

Knitted Dissections

$25 - $105 Etsy »

Emily Stoneking of aKNITomy would like to welcome you to her "icky and cuddly world of knitted anatomy, where biology no longer smells like formaldehyde, but like your favorite sweater." The artist creates her series...

Sea Monster Wine Decanter


Like big Cabs and Chianti ? So does Nessie. And good luck getting her to part with it, even in wine decanter form. Her mouth-blown crystal body with its...uh...erratically undulating?...neck and tail will sure make for...

Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System

$169.99 - $199.95 Amazon »

I've never used the Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System, or really any Ninja kitchen gear at all--which is surprising given that word pretty much defines my life--but I just noticed that Ninja kitchen and Shark cleaning...

Wolverine Meat Claws

$27.99 Amazon »

Adamantium is a natural for shredding meat, but I wonder if Wolverine has ever considered using his claws to shred cooked meat. Particularly giant butts of pork grilled slow and smoky on the BBQ, and slathered with sauce...

Millennium Falcon Multi-Tool Kit

$29.99 ThinkGeek »

If you've always dreamed of piloting the Millennium Falcon, your dreams are about to come true. In a sense. The Millennium Falcon Multi-Tool Kit won't sit you alongside Chewbacca and power you through interstellar shenanigans...

Japanese Brass Kiridashi Craft Knife

$7.80 Amazon »

Feeling extra sharp, brassy, crafty, and Japanese? Make no mistake, this Kiridashi carving knife isn't just for slicing through Christmas present packaging and scrapbooking fun. The brass-handled blade arrives with an...

Mininch Tool Pens

$69 - $89 Amazon »

Tired of wearing that Inspector Gadget trench filled with screwdrivers and bits? The Mininch Tool Pen gives you an alternative to schlepping around your DIY and In Case of Emergency tools in your coat lining (or your...

Titanium & Copper Bullion Paperweights

$10.99 - $48.49 Amazon »

Here's some paperweight stocking stuffers for chem students and teachers, general science geeks, geeks in general, and people who just like to call it like it is. Metallum Gifts makes their periodic paperweights and desktop...

Giani Countertop Paint Kits

$74.96 - $79.95 Amazon »

I'm cool with Rolex knockoffs, dogs from the pound, and the drug store's brand of cough syrup if it means I save a wad of cash and still end up with a pretty decent watch / buddy / night's sleep. Why should faux granite...

Trivae 4-in-1 Kitchen Tool

$69.07 - $80 Amazon »

Still stuck on a gift for Mom? Hosting a holiday party? Need a decently priced butler to hold stuff for you while you're cooking, and then again when you take the pan off the heat, and then again when you set the dish...

Evoke - Induction Powered Vaporizer

$399 Evoke »

The story of an induction powered vaporizer: A fine-woods craftsman, an electrical engineer, and a super-conducting computing PhD physicist walk into a bar. The wood craftsman sits down and says, "Bartender, give me something...

Saver Fire Safety Breathing System

I'm not showing you Safety iQ's Saver system to be an alarmist, but with all the chestnut-roasting on an open fire going on this time of year, it can't hurt to be prepared for the off chance one of them gets loose and...

Vinaera Wine & Spirit Aerator & Dispenser

Sold Out Amazon »

The Vinaera won a Best of the Best Red Dot Design Award in 2014 for being really, really good at shooting air into wine, and wine into your glass. According to creator Viotek, the electronic Vinaera Wine & Spirit Aerator...